
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Endocrinologists Update ~ May 2013

The Endocrinologists called me back yesterday.  What I really liked is that she called me herself from her office where we could talk.  She stated that she apologized for being late in getting back to me but she had been out of town for a conference and then busy with clinics.  Basically, she explained that all of the test came back normal.  His liver and kidneys are functioning well, he is strong and healthy and seems to not have any issues with gluten, etc.  His bone age test came back at 3 years old, which is also on target.  So, what does this mean?

Well, we discussed that and we agree.  If he is healthy and everything is developing correctly then there is no need to intervene just because he is going to be short and small.  My initial concern was his lack of growth and small stature was a sign that something else was wrong or didn't develop correctly.  Growth hormones effect a lot more than just growth.  If he is just going to be small, I am good with that.  At most she the test predicts he will be 5'3".  She still wants to monitor his growth progress to make sure he continues on his own growth chart and there are no stalls, but other than that we are good to go!!

12The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.
Deuteronomy 28:12

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thomas is "3"!!

As of April 29th, our sweet Thomas is three years old.  He has been so excited with all the preparations of baking the cake and getting the decorations.  Everywhere we went he would invite people over to our party.  And honestly, anyone could have come to celebrate our little man.  He was definitely given to me to share with all.  The party was a success. The reason I know that is because that night while tucking him into bed I asked him how was his party.  He answered me "weally awesome". 

We haven't heard back from the Endocrinologists yet.  I did call again yesterday asking for the results and they stated they would get a note to the doctor.  Okay.  Seems like I am doing a lot of waiting lately so its getting to be the new normal for me. I will update you all when I know more.

He had his three year well visit on Tuesday of last week and there were no surprises.  I like that!!  We weren't worried about his size since we are now under the care of the Endocrinologists.  He neck and back we are monitored by his specialists.  Same with his eyes and his ears.  She could not see the tube in his left ear, which isn't surprising.  That one side has been working its way out for about six months and our ENT is watching it for hearing loss.  We get his eyes checked week after next so we will have an update with them.  We are planning on having him evaluated by PT and OT just to make sure we are still on target.  With Thomas it has never really been the issue of reaching milestones but more of the quality in which he does it.  We want to make sure we are using his body the best that we can to reach these milestones and prevent pain in the future.  Speech, she mentioned his clarity wasn't the best, but again I am not concerned.  He is talking and expanding his vocabulary and for the most part people do understand him.  He is only "3"! I think he speaks well for a three year old and others agreed.

He was put on allergy medicine orally and for his nose as well as breathing treatments.  Its hard to tell if its a cold or allergies, but its gotten down into his chest so we are trying to knock it out.

What an amazing, crazy three years its been!!  I have changed and learned so much that I do believe that I am not the same that I was when he was first born.  I am so proud and happy to have him as my son.  He is one special blessing in not only our life but all who know him.
Born April 29, 2010  5lbs 9.5 oz

A boy and his bike, a love like no other!

James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.