
Monday, October 21, 2013

Orthopedic Surgeon 6 month Follow Up

Today went very well, I hate to say it but I think Thomas is getting the hang of this.  This morning I told him he had an appointment and they were going to take pictures of his back.  Well, he freaked out and began to cry and pitch a fit that he didn't want to go.  I reminded him it doesn't hurt and it won't take long.  Didn't help as his anxiety leveled increased and he talked to me the whole drive to North Atlanta for the appointment.  I thought he was old enough to be able to process better. 

Once we got there a great man from radiology came and got us.  He weighed and measured him (Thomas weighed 29.2 lbs!! So Close!!!)  and then went to take his blood pressure.  Thomas started to freak with the blood pressure and the sweet man said you don't like it we don't do it.  Its more important to get the x-rays.

We then waited for him to come back and get us for radiology and Thomas started asking a million questions.  He also stated that they needed to have a picture on the blank wall, I agreed.  He was thrilled to realize that he had won the battle over the blood pressure cuff.  The sweet man came back for the x-rays and Thomas was amazing!!!  He stated he wanted to sit and not lay down but the man explained he had to lay down.  I don't know if it was the man himself or just that he was a man but Thomas trusted him and listened to him.  It was the first time that I did not have to hold my son in the apron for x-rays, I stood behind the window and watched. 

The doctor came in with copies of the x-rays and explained that basically his x-rays are boring.  He has grown a little in the last six months and his spine has made no significant changes.  Whoopie!!!  I questioned about his difficulty to sit criss cross applesauce and he examined him.  He stated that his hip movement showed some lack of range in motion and that is to be expected based on his spine.  He said that he indeed would be uncomfortable sitting in that position.  It was nice to have confirmation that what was observed in the classroom and at the table was indeed a physical limitation and not just a 3 year old attitude. :)  And with that we were done, off to McDonald's for his reward and we go back again in 6 months!!

As Thomas has learned to sing the song:
"The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad." Psalms 118:24

Sunday, October 6, 2013

How's Thomas doing?


I seem to be getting this a lot lately and it may have more to do with the fact that I have been slack on my blog.  I am so sorry for this. Raising three boys who are all in school and various activities has been keeping me extremely busy.  I have been trying to find my groove and routine but keep getting thrown around a bit more than I would like to admit.  In a nutshell, I think Thomas is doing good. 

When Thomas was born in April of 2010, he failed every hearing tests.  It was very traumatic for me to be holding my precious new baby in my arms and think that he can't hear me.  I still talked to him and sang to him as I had my other babies but sometimes tears would roll down my face as I did it.  I still vividly remember leaving our first follow up appointment confirming he couldn't hear and crumbling into my friend's arms in tears.  Once we were able to comprehend what was going on it was pretty easy to pull myself together.  We realized that hearing loss was a obstacle but something that can be overcome.  There is technology and information that will still make his life wonderful!!  We could do this and we would.  We have been through two surgeries and speech therapy and now you can't tell my baby ever had hearing loss.  In fact, at our last ENT appointment we were able to test and find out that for the first time ever his left eardrum is working on its own!!!  Praise God!!  Hopefully this means no more surgeries on his ears and we will continue to pray for healing on his right ear and no ear infections that may slow down our progress.  It was such a huge relief to me that his ears may give him less problems than originally thought.  In light of all the other issues that have been discovered with out little man, I didn't really want his ears to be one of them.

We have also seen the Neurosurgeon last month.  We did more flexion x-rays on his neck where he has Klippel Feil Syndrome that explains his fusion of all seven cervical vertebrae except between c3 and c4.  We have these to make sure the space between these vertebrae are moving as they should and not sliding.  If they begin to slide it will put his spinal cord in danger.  Luckily, both sets of x-rays show that we are still stable at this time.  We are very thankful for these results!!

Next up this month, is the orthopedic surgeon.  Both the Neurosurgeon and the Orthopedic Surgeon are concerned with his bone structure and his level of pain.  They both believe that he was born with a certain level of pain and we are trying to monitor if his pain level increases.  However, I am beginning to think he doesn't understand the feeling of being fatigue or discomfort.  Its one thing to feel a sharp pain like stepping on a rock verses the feeling of your back hurting from sitting too long.  We have learned that he cannot sit for long in traditional circle time and the teacher has made some adjustments that have made a great difference.  I am so happy for them both!! We still have issues at the dinner table, etc and I am going to bring this up at our next appointment.  I know they will do x-rays and we will see if his back has moved any over the last six months and go from there.  My prayer is that is hasn't.  I like stable.

Anything else you want to know, just ask!  

Thank you so much for reading, praying and supporting Thomas and our family.  It really is beyond my scope of comprehension and you are loved so much for all that you do for us. 

"'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for one who believes."
 Mark 9:23