
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Well, That's done (MRI Spine/Brain)

Today was Thomas' scheduled MRI on his spine at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Egleston.  I was quite anxious about the procedure itself since I myself have never had a MRI and the fact that he would have to be sedated.  The day before a nurse from the department called me and chatted and she helped to reassure me and to calm my fears.  Luckily, we had to be there at 8am! I truly love early appointments for procedures, surgeries or tests.  It is so much easier to pick up a sleeping baby and throw them in the car and head straight there then to have them play and run around asking for food or drink they can't have.  Not to mention there is usually no wait and everyone is running on time. 

This morning went great! We were up and out, minimal traffic and there on time.  It only took me a hour with getting gas on the way.  While we were being prepped this fabulous doctor came in, Dr. Bob as they referred to him.  He has some crazy hair that made me giggle on the inside.  Over the last few months I have learned to cope with going through these procedures and test alone with just me and my little man.  So, I usually find things to entertain me and this man did just that.  I felt like I was a kid myself.  We discussed his recent cough and how it may cause the sedation to not be a good choice at this time.  I was adamant that his cough had improved due to the breathing treatments and the only reason why he was coughing now is because they had upset him so.  I also mentioned that we would be back next week for a MRI on his brain for the neurologists.  He trusted my judgement on the cough but said that at any moment did he feel that Thomas would be endanger he would quit immediately.  Of course, I agreed and thanked him.  Then he proceeded to tell me that he would see if they could go ahead and do his brain today to prevent him from being sedated again.  My heart skipped a beat!! That was plan all along, but after making numerous phone calls and pleas the answer was always 'no ma'am we can't do that'.  Dr. Bob left the room and spoke with some people.  He ran back by, "we just need authorization from insurance cross your fingers."  I was so getting my hopes up, something told me that it was all going to be just fine and work out in our favor.  I was quite calm.  It also helps that they have fabulous nurses who are always there asking me if I need anything and what they can do for Thomas.  I make instant friends with each of them, but its unusual for me to contect with a doctor in such a way.  Finally, Dr. Bob popped back in the room and said we were a go.  Then he and the nurse discussed the IV and was ready to go.  He was ready before the room was. 

Thomas truly detested the IV being put in, as any of us do.  But they had put the numbing cream on both of his hands for quite a while in an effort to ease his pain.  Once it was on they covered it with a diaper to try to keep his mind of it.  Yeah right, they don't know Thomas.  Thomas didn't want a name band on, Thomas didn't even want to be weighed.  They literally had to weigh me holding him and then get my weight without him.  Once they were ready though, they gave him the good stuff and he went limp in my arms.  It was the craziest feeling I have ever had.  Away he went and then I was alone in that room to wait.  I was extremely proud of myself though, today I got up and went to the cafeteria to eat and make phone calls.  They said it would be at least 45 minutes to a hour so I knew I could be gone at least thirty minutes without having to feel frantic.  I never want to leave where they left me with my child.  I am always scared something will happen and I won't be there or back fast enough.  I want to be there the minute they bring him back because I know he knows his mommy is there.  I also have a fear of getting lost in the hospital and looking stupid.  I am working on that though!

He came back right on and slept for about fifteen more minutes.  Then he opened his eyes and looked at me, smiled and closed them again.  It was so beautiful.  A few minutes later he opened his eyes and began to talk to me.  So I scooped him up to hold him and he saw his beautiful balloon that the nurses had brought me while I was waiting.  He was so happy!!  It was much better than when he comes out of anesthesia from surgery.  He immediately started drinking his juice from the nurse and chowing down on his crackers.  They took out his IV when they saw his smiling face and off we went.  It was a long morning, but I am so relieved to have it done since I have been dreading it for so long now.  Love living here and so grateful for the Children's Hospital and all of the angels that work for them!!

After coming home you would have never known what all we had been through this morning except for the small bruise he has on his little hand from the IV.  The results will be provided to the ordering doctors in two business days was what I was told.  So, I am assuming I won't hear anything from either of them until Friday possibly Tuesday due to the holiday.  Not sure how much I will learn over the phone anyway as I am sure the Orthopedic Surgeon will want an appointment to discuss the results and I am fine with that as I feel that we will need to discuss it in more detail if possible.  He will also be able to now provide clearance for his surgery so I will need to get that rescheduled in the coming weeks. 

We have an appointment with the neurologists on Wednesday of next week.  I don't have any expectations as of yet for this appointment.  I am so grateful that thanks to Dr. Bob, the neurologists will already have the MRI results of Thomas' brain to help him out with any additional information that he may need or to rule out any suspensions.  (On a side note, eventually I will be able to spell neurologists without having to correct it with the spell checker) 

I could go really deep into some stuff right now, but I will spare you tonight.  Just know that I have a renewed spirit with my Lord and a new angel on my side.  Thomas is going to do great things in this life even with his imperfect vessel.

2 Corinthians 5:1 Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.

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