
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Great PT appointment today

Wow!! I was beaming from ear to ear today while I watched my baby boy throw, climb, pull, tug, ride, push, and run for his physical therapists.  We first met her back in November and she was the first to suggest an x-ray of his neck and saw the anomalies that affect him as a whole and not just the small pieces.  I didn't like anything she said but loved her just the same for noticing the things I had not and the other specialists had not.  Then taking it a step further and showing me what he needs work on and how to do it.  We got to work and started doing the necessary exercises with Thomas making most of it look like play.

Today was a great appointment where we both saw all of our months of hard work pay off and it was so rewarding!!  We couldn't afford it and I did it anyway!  It was hard to make the time for it and I did it anyway!! Its isn't a cure, but at least Thomas can enjoy life a little better now with stronger abilities!!  We will keep working at it and keep on keeping on. 

Tomorrow the Neurosurgeon!!

Also, we have already hit 16% on our fundraiser to help pay for Thomas' medical expenses!! I feel so blessed to have so many willing and able to help out to benefit our son.  Each therapy appointment costs us $45 dollars after insurance so it really puts my mind at ease when I see people willing to help us out financially.  I am still going to every resource I know to get financial help for our little man, but in the meantime its wonderful to have the help.  Thank you to each of you who have already contributed or are prayerfully considering making a donation.  Please share the link to all of your friends and family, ever little bit helps us out a lot!!

God Bless Each and every one of you who take the time to read my blog and pray for our family and our son, Thomas.  Tonight know that I am praying for you and your current struggles as well.  May your faith find you and bring you comfort.

James 1:2-4   “Dear brothers and sisters,when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."

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