
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Genetic Specialists Frustration. . . Advice Needed

Okay, so we saw this fabulous (sarcasm) genetic specialists at the end of November.  She was wonderful the office was wonderful they told me what I already knew with a few additions and then offered to do genetic testing to confirm diagnosis and not to miss anything else genetically.  Okay. Cool.  They also have the paperwork to file to make them in network since they are so specialized.  Cool.  They also save you money by sending you the genetic lab kit and all you have to do is get his blood drawn and then send it to their lab.  Okay, sounds good.  I am sure I will still have to pay the lab for processing and I bet you anything I will have to pay the full amount!

Well, its now March.  I have two test tubes still unfilled that no one is willing to fill for me for liability reasons.  The insurance company considered them out of network and charged me the complete $450 dollars for one visit.  My pediatrician wants the genetic testing results before we apply for the Deaming Waiver (Medicaid for Medically Fragile Children).  Really?!?!  OMG, I am so frustrated.  I drive around town with the test tubes in my car just in case I find someone to take his blood.  I have emailed the genetic specialists office asking for help, I've got nothing. 

Do I keep bugging them and pay for a follow up with them if I ever get the genetic testing done???  Do I take the chance on another genetic specialists?? and pray they are under my insurance???  I have called my insurance company and they don't have a category for genetics, you just have to give them a name or tax id and they look it up.  They are so stupid!! 

If you have any experience with this aspect of things I would really appreciate it!!  I am not sure if I should start over or what?


  1. Hey Jolley, this is Coral fro TAG...ooopy forwarded me the link for your blog, so maybe I can help. Send me your email address or pm me on TAG, with the name of the clinic and genetecist, and what they are going to be testing for. I may be able to help pull strings or at the very least give you some advice

    1. I am sorry, someone help me out here, I can't figure out what TAG is?

    2. Hi Allison. TAG is a gaming community that we know Robert from. I gave Coral's email to Robert.

  2. Hmm Nick had genetic testing done but they just gave me an order to take him I took him to Rockdale Hospital they wanted me to go to Eglestons but it is alot further. for the blood draw. Your Health Dept will not draw blood? My husband has his drawn there for his heart doctor work up 2x per year at only 40.00. Also Smith Kline have walk ins to do blood draws.
