
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pediatrician ~ 2 Year Check Up

The Good News!! No Shots this visit.  There was no screaming or fighting during this visit either.  Amazing!! The only thing he had to do that he didn't like was lay down so we could measure his height.  Everything else he was game for today.  Amazing, two days in a row of him cooperating and not freaking out.  I know its not his fault that he has such anxiety at doctor's offices, but it sure makes things harder.

I didn't post about yesterday, so I will real quick.  We went to Scottish Rite where they have a new Audiology testing facility which was full of toys.  Thomas walked right in and she was able to complete all of the test without any screaming, crying or fights.  In the sound booth, we tried to get some ear specific test done.  He froze up when they put the probes in his ears so we had to test him using speakers.  It is a horrible feeling to hold your child in your lap and sit still while you hear the sound that he should be turning too.  You are willing your child to turn their head with your mind.  His hearing tested fine for him, he is still hearing all of the normal ranges, but it did slightly decrease from last time.  We will go back in September unless his tubes fail before then.

Today we had his two year well visit check up.  He seems healthy despite all of his conditions at this time.  We discussed each specialists and therapy that Thomas is involved with and she made sure all of her records were up to date.  Thomas appears to be catching up quite well with his other two year old counterparts and is hardly showing any signs of developmental delay.  Yay!!  She did notice that his left tube is already sliding out of place and working its way out.  She said when his tubes do begin to fail this one will be the one to fail first.  The right one is still doing good.  Funny because his left ear has always showed more hearing loss than his right.  I wonder if there is something more specific to that?  Anyway.  We will watch it and let the ENT know if anything changes.  We don't want to have any lapse in hearing if we can avoid it.

The other concern with Thomas is of course his size.  In particular his height.  It doesn't matter how big or small your children are just as long as their is consistent growth there is no need for concern.  However, if there is a flat line or drop off on the cure, well then you don't have a curve anymore.  It has taken us 12 months to get Thomas' weight back on the chart where is should be and kept it where it is.  He is still in the >3% percentile but we have recovered from his drop off with the PediaSure supplements.  As expensive as they are, it is working for him and we must continue with them.  Now, as for this little guys height.  It has been steady as he grows, but in the last six months we have had a drop off.  Weight is directly related to calorie intake, but height is not.  Height is based on other factors including such things as growth hormones.

What's the plan?  Well, we are just going to have his height and weight checked every three months so that we have clear data as to his growth pattern.  Is this a fluke?  Will he have a growth spurt, etc?  If his height is showing a clear pattern of decline then we will have to go see and Endocrinologist and have him tested for growth hormone deficiency.  Here is a link for more information: I have already done a little research and have found some interesting information in this respect.  People with KFS tend to be on the short side and I can see where the fusion would limit the extension of the neck, but not overall height.  Maybe it is more commonplace without medical data that it is another congenital factor that comes with the 'package'.  For now we wait and see and cross that bridge when we get there.  At least now I have a better idea of what we may or may not be up against.

For now, I will enjoy my little man and all that comes with being little. 

“Life shouldn’t be predetermined by my needs to have an ‘easy’ life…. I am not sure what is in store for us and Thomas, but to think of anything less than allowing God to unfold in this beautiful, yet challenging moment of creation, would be unconscionable. No matter where Thomas goes in this life, I will know that life was given a chance to exist unhindered by any act of self-centeredness.”

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