
Monday, June 25, 2012

The Event ~ Caring for a Cause

Oh my goodness, its been twenty four hours since the event and I still don't think my mind has realized the full extent of what happened last night.  My heart is overflowing with joy and my head is bewildered at the kindness of strangers to my family for our little Thomas.

Caring for a Cause is a local group who come together to host fundraisers for little ones in financial need.  I was connected with them through a friend at the church and they immediately took Thomas on and began planning the event.  It was a family fun night with airbrush tattoos, a balloon man, large inflatable slide, t-shirts, raffle and a corn hole tournament.  We were able to invite lots of friends and anyone who could come and enjoy a great Mexican dinner and then the kids played and had a great time.  The adults got to play the corn hole and also had a fabulous time!!  It was really so well organized with lots of attendees.  It was a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon.  The event was to benefit Thomas and Micah.  Micah is a little boy who had a almost SIDS event back on New Year's Eve which has left him paralyzed.  They have lots of challenges ahead of them and most of all they were raising money to be able to get Micah the help he needs to help him.

As the event began lots of people came and went, then the music was turned down and the MC took the mic.  They were thanking everyone for coming out and explaining the corn hole tournament.  I was busy keeping up with three little boys and especially Thomas who kept wanting to go up the big inflatable slide.  I had just taken him down again with the director walked over to me.  She was sure I had missed the big announcement.  That is when the words that came out of her mouth made me freeze.  She informed me that Micah's family was donating all of the proceeds to Thomas.  I thanked her politely and just stood there reminding myself to breathe.  I was having a hard enough time realizing that this even benefited my baby and that all of these people came out to help and support us.  Now all of the benefit is going to my son.  This family has been generous enough to say they need it more than us.  My mind is still reeling about it while my heart is overflowing with thankfulness and gratefulness.

It reminds me that God is working all around us and that there are indeed angels surrounding us at work all the time.  So many times I have felt such frustration doing for others feeling as though I got nothing in return or at least not what I expected in return.  Yet, time and time again I would continue to do for others because service is in my nature and its what makes me happy.  I am reminded by those around me that it is my giving that warms their hearts and urges them to help us.  I now realize I have a hard time being on the receiving end of things time and time again. I am better at being the giver.

I will share with you all the total amount from Saturday night when I get the final numbers from them.  Thank you again for all your support in prayers, positive thoughts, hugs, time and donations.  It is all so appreciated and I will make sure that in time Thomas will know the story of his life and how each of you played such an important role.

1 Chronicles 16:8
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.

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