
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Eye Doctor Appointment Results ~ Aug 27, 2012

I was concerned that as Thomas got older that the anxiety of seeing doctor's would intensify and get worse.  Today he proved to me the completely opposite.  I told him ahead of time that we were going to get his eyes checked.  He kept repeating me over and over. . ."doctor eyes checked" I didn't know if he really understood or if he was just repeating me.  Then in the waiting room he checked my ears, my mouth and my eyes.  This is something he has started doing at home, playing doctor, and I think it is super sweet. 

We were finally called back and the doctor came in and Thomas went and climbed up in the big chair all by himself and sat there.  The doctor giggled and said "not sure how this is going to work?"  I agreed and said I didn't know either.  But I want you to know he sat there and did everything he needed to for the doctor.  He checked the movement and the muscle strength, etc.  Once we were done, the doctor explained that both eyes are still working well together and the muscle is good and strong.  The left eye will still roll and possibly upshoot when he gets tired because in kids the brain will get tired and quit telling the muscle in the eye what to do.  It only really happens when he gets tired and I am not sure how much other people really notice.  I know I do and people who are around him all the time.  He also agreed that Thomas clearly has what is known as 'crocodile tears'.  It has to do with the nerves that connect from your mouth to the eyes and is quite common with people who have Duane Syndrome.  We mainly wanted to rule out that he didn't have a clogged tear duct that may require surgery.  He doesn't though, his eyes will just water up if he is eating, drinking or possibly smells something that wakes up his senses.  Its a strange phenomenon to me, but its not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

And that was it!! We didn't have to get his eyes dilated this time or anything else.  We were done!! He gave me a copy of the picture eye chart to work with him so that at our next visit we could possibly do it.  No pressure, he said most kids can't do it until they are age 3 or 4.  But I think Thomas would be capable, we will see.  We go back in six months.

Thank you for your prayers!!  I am relieved with our appointment and grateful that there is nothing of concern with his eyes at this time.  He is compensating well and knows nothing different!!

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