
Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Year, New Appointments

We had a wonderful Christmas together with family and really felt very blessed.  The boys got a little sick and of course Thomas ended up with a horrible cough and his ear drum burst in one ear.  Luckily with some medicine he was able to recover rather quickly and we weren't on breathing treatments for a long time.  This is HUGE for him since it seems to be the norm rather than the exception. 

Thomas has been really growing in leaps and bounds. . .  just not physically.  He is learning so many of his letters and numbers, colors and shapes, and all of those wonderful things that two year olds learn.  He has become quite the chatter box and likes to talk, A LOT!  Its cute most of the time.

So, this month we have two rather large appointments that I would love to have your prayers and well wishes for.  The first is this Thursday with our appointment at the Spine Care Clinic.  Last visit he was particular interested in the mobility between C3 and C4.  It is really the only place in his neck that is currently not fused and allows him to have mobility.  However, he is concerned that the vertebrae will begin to slide rather than move properly due to the fusion above and blow that area.  We will take more x-rays on Thursday with movement in an attempt to see how the bones are moving.  My prayer is that all is stable and his body is moving in a manner that is healthy to him.

The second appointment this month is January 29th, when we have our follow up appointment with our Geneticists to go over the results of the Exome Sequence study performed by Baylor University.  I never really know what to expect going into these appointments.  The concept idea was to be able to take all of his anomalies and issues into one package and give it a name per se.  Or at least determine a name for what caused this and all of the possible related issues in an effort not to miss anything that could benefit by early intervention.  We shall see what this appointment will reveal in due time. 

That is where we are at this time.  We are still continuing with all of therapies and will be making his follow up appointments with other specialists and his pediatrician in the coming months.  Hard to believe we do this every six months now, but it could be worse.  I am thankful that Thomas is happy and at this point is able to play and do all that he wants to do without restrictions.

Thank you for always thinking, praying and keeping up with us.  It is always felt in my heart and I am so appreciative of you all.

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