
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Quick Update - March 5, 2013

I wanted to make sure to thank everyone who helped support Rare Disease Day on February 28th!!  It was amazing to see all the pictures and stories shared on Facebook.  It was also nice to get questions and smiles from others when they saw my ribbon.  I am hoping that in years to come more people will know what it means and what it stands for.  Awareness is definitely key!!

Thomas is doing good.  We are trucking right along towards his 3rd Birthday.  Hard to believe how much time has passed.  He doesn't seem to be showing a lot of problems right now which is wonderful!!  There are some things that make Thomas stand out from his small stature to his wide vocabulary, but medically I think we are okay.  We get his ears checked the end of this month, three year check up next month and then our six month check up on his eyes the beginning of May.  So, we are a little spread out right now with specialists.  I do need to call and get him re evaluated for PT and OT to see where we are and where we should be.  I am always concerned about his back and neck and he does show some signs of discomfort, but nothing too bad.  I am also always trying to get the right nutrition in him which I may seek a nutritionist since this is an area I am not as familiar with.  We also still have the possible referral to an endocrinologists in the coming months. 

As for me, I am good.  I have come to realize that through these past two years many things have hit me hard and I have not learned a good way of coping.  As a result, this mom is in the worst shape of her life and is quite disgusted with herself.  Don't worry, I am quite healthy besides being overweight.  I have a complete physical in October.  I am now taking action beyond anything I have ever done before.  Finances are always a concern for me especially if its for me and not Thomas, but I truly felt God calling me to do this for me and everything fell into place as I could not have planned.  I have a strange peace about it.  So, now I have to put forth my time and effort and do the work.  I feel like I have to, for me, for Thomas and for God who has made this all possible.  I know he wants so much for me in this life and for my sweet boy.  Anyway, I know that is a bit personal but hey it's my blog!!

My ultimate goal: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Thank you again for always supporting, praying and thinking of us.  It is always appreciated and felt!

My silly Thomas!!  Love him!

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