
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Three appointments in April

I just wanted to update and share with you that we do have three rather large appointments this month starting tomorrow.  Tomorrow we go to the Orthopedic Surgeon to check on his spine, etc.  I am really hoping they will tell me that all still looks stable and he is doing well.  Although, I honestly am not sure how much longer they are going to tell me that.  I'm not trying to be pessimistic by any means, but more realistic.  This morning while putting Thomas' shirt on him for church I realized how much higher one shoulder was than the other one.  I realize its difficult for others to see this as I often don't see it myself.  He is so busy running around and playing and being well, so gosh darn cute, that we literally don't see the flaws.

Then on April 23rd we will have our first appointment with the Endocrinologists.  The reason for this appointment is Thomas' growth chart, or should I say the growth chart Thomas has created.  We know he will most likely be of small stature which that in itself isn't much reason for concern but with failure to thrive there may be other complications with his pituitary gland or alike.  His hormones in general may be affected and we want to be sure to address any of those issues as necessary.  As some of you might have seen on FaceBook, Thomas has finally gained some height.  I am thrilled to me moving from 12 month clothes to 18 month clothes for him!!  He still wears 12 month shorts, etc but a lot of the shirts aren't covering up that cute little belly and his arms have gained a little bit of length.  The experience has been much different than with my other two boys in that he is wearing out his shoes and clothes in much smaller sizes.  His feet haven't grown so he has been in the same shoes for probably a good year and a half.  Anyway, I will update after that appointment with any information or tests that we discover for our Thomas.

His last appointment this month is for his three year annual.  What?  I know, my baby is going to be 3 years old.  Its amazing how the time flies! This appointment really isn't one to worry about but just a chance to review his overall health with one of our favorite pediatricians.

Financially we have been okay.  I just thought I would mention that because a lot of you helped us out tremendously with donations.  We still do not have any State benefits for Thomas as he does not qualify.  We are looking to possibly reapply with new diagnosis.  Its crazy to me how nothing has changed with Thomas but through continued research and test we can just name it differently and changed the name can make a difference.  We have cut back on therapy this year due to costs, but I assure you Thomas is healthy and thriving.  We have no real immediate concerns at this time and hopefully that will not change.  Having said that we are holding our breath and preparing in case something does develop.  We have a savings account with funds just for Thomas' medical.  Its important for me to have some kind of safety net for the future.  Especially since our insurance company can be a bit cantankerous about some things like continuously not helping us pay for our sub specialists geneticists.  Looks like I am filing another appeal and making some phone calls at the off chance they will apply the over three hundred dollars to his deductible which is almost met for the year.  Luckily, the medical expenses are moving a lot slower this year than last year.

We love our little Thomas SO much and love sharing him with all of you.   He truly is such an amazing blessing for so many who have the privilege of knowing him.  He brings peace in our home, laughter and just an overall great deal of entertainment.  Think of us tomorrow and I will update you at my first opportunity.

Isaiah 43:2
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.

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