
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Preparing for Cincinnati

The Lord says to be ready and prepared at all times.  I'm not sure this is what he was talking about but I am doing my best.  Its truly amazing looking back through this blog and all that we have been through and where we are now.  The humbling reality is that not much has changed since I started the blog where Thomas is concerned.  We have mustered through several surgeries and lots and lots of appointments, but there is no change.

Overall, I want to celebrate and enjoy this moment of realization.  While his bones did not form properly and will never be correct, he has not had to have any major corrective surgery, braces or therapy.  For all intents and purposes he is stable in his back and neck, his vision appears to be good despite having Duane Syndrome, he is growing although very slowly and he is smart, energetic and happy.

So, I am focusing on the ears and really putting a lot of faith into our trip to Cincinnati.  I am doing all that I can on my end to make this appointment extremely productive.  I will be taking all of his medical records from his current ENT as well as copies from his other doctors in case he needs to reference the MRI results or X-rays for his neck and back.  I am completing a one page (maybe two page) list of all of his current doctors with diagnosis and last appointment information. On my list of doctors I have the following: Pediatrician, ENT, Ophthalmologists, Orthopedic surgeon, Urologists, Neurologists, Neurosurgeon, Cardiologists, Endocrinologists and the lists of his therapists.  I think that's everyone.

James 1:2-4   “Dear brothers and sisters,when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."

Thomas is aware now that we are taking a plane to see a doctor about his ears.  He is excited about the plane part!  I'm nervous.  I am worried about him experiencing ear pain during the take off and landing of the flight.  I spoke with the nurse yesterday and while normally a person with tubes has a better experience and less chance of pain, she could not confirm or deny that he would feel pain the left ear since its not working properly.  Our preparation to help him is that we are giving him Zyrtec every night before bed in an attempt to lessen any fluids or pressure that may be caused due to sinuses, etc.  It will also shrink any of the mucus membranes for the best opportunity for his ears to stabilize.  We will also use the nasal decongestant.  Along with the regular plan of allowing him to chew gum and drink to help.  Please pray that once on the plane he will not experience any pain in his ears.

We have been in constant contact with the hospital and they are absolutely wonderful.  They helped us arrange our hotel room and will provide us with transportation while in Cincinnati.  I have also had friends offer us dinner and fun while in town.  Last detail that we will firm up is our flight plan.

My prayers are for safe and uneventful travels next week, my family will be taken care of, for a caring and attentive doctor who understands Thomas' hearing issues with his ears and can offer a solution that we can implement.

Thank you for being there for us during this journey, the ups and the downs.  God has blessed us with an amazing little boy and this is just a small part of who is destined to become.  He is already God's Masterpiece!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7

1 comment:

  1. Allison thank you so much in sharing your story with everything you know I was wondering if you could help me my 3.5 year old son is off the charts bc of his short stature and his neck is less than 1 inch long his head is also in the 98th percentile but otherwise he is a 'normal' boy. I worry that we are missing something he hasn't been growing enough & they want to test him for HGHD but my guess is it's something along the lines of what Thomas has. Any way I can contact you or you give me your 2 cents I have found moms so much more helpful than doctors lately... thank you so much for sharing you and Thomas are amazing
