
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kindergarten Here We Come

Well, here, south of Atlanta school started on Monday.  Thomas was so excited to be riding the school bus like his two older brothers.  I am not sure he realized that the long day of Kindergarten was going to be in between his bus rides, but he has been happy nonetheless.

We will have our 504 plan meeting in three weeks.  This time is given to allow me to get letters from his doctors on what his limitations in a school setting should be and allow the teachers time to observe for themselves.  I have confidence that this will be what is best for Thomas and that all parties involved are genuinely concerned to make school a safe place for our boy.

We love our elementary school!!  It definitely has its benefits to have two older brothers who have been there.  I have grown to know and love the teachers and administration.  I think this will make for an easy transition for Thomas and the school.  He has a fantastic teacher this year and I just know it is going to be wonderful!

I did not  update much this summer as it was busy and fun!! Besides spending lots of time with mommy and brothers.  Thomas did go to Art Camp and had a blast!! He can't wait to do it again next year!

We also had our annual summer trip to Florida.  Thomas did fantastic in the pool this year with swim lessons and even was able to swim with his head under the water.  He didn't quite want to reach his arms out like he should, but I think in time we can get those muscles to loosen and do better.  He was religious about using his ear plugs and we had NO ear issues this whole summer!! What?!?!  I know, thank you God for your healing and blessings upon his ears.

Tomorrow is Klippel Feil Awareness Day!!  Hopefully we can continue to spread the word and through Thomas' story and many others, we can bring more awareness and educate more people as to what it is and how it effects all who have it.  I never mind anyone asking me questions about Thomas or what anomalies he has.  God has sent him here for an amazing purpose with an incredible journey in mind.  We will always do our best for him and for others like him!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Allison,

    It's been a few years since I've commented on your blog (life is ever so busy as I'm sure you know)! My 6 yr old son, Dylan, has KFS and Duane's and was born with a tethered spinal cord. My specific reason for commenting is to ask if you've found a good Ortho for Thomas. We have struggled with our Ortho since day 1 and I've tried to research who would be best and am having a hard time finding someone. We actually travelled half way across the country (we're in KS) to the Shriner's in Philadelphia a few years ago to see a different Ortho but he has since retired so I'm back to square one. Our family practice doctor has no experience in directing the care of anyone with KFS so he's not a lot of help either (and I'm mean that in the best possible way as we love our FP).

    Also, I saw that you like your Neurosurgeon too. Would you mind sharing who that is as well. Dylan has been "released" from the care of his Neurosurgeon and I just wonder if that's the best decision for him. I'd really just like to have another doctor's information to file away in case I feel he needs to see someone else in the future.

    If it's a possibility for you to share you can email me at bajameson at yahoo dot com. Thank you so much for considering!

    I am also no longer on facebook so I do not have access to the wonderful Parents group that you mentioned in an earlier post. Thanks though for all you do in helping others like us!

    Blessings to your family!
