
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our X-Ray Results

 I have been a member of a local mommies group since we moved here almost 5 years ago.  It has been a wonderful supportive group of women all with the same hopes, dreams and aspirations.  Oh, did I mention frustrations?  One thing has always ran through our group that rings true and that is to always trust a mother's instinct or gut.  If something doesn't feel right, it's not.  If you don't think you should do it, don't.  It you don't like what they said, don't go back.  I truly believe a mother's instinct is extremely powerful.  Sometimes you don't want it to be right though.  Last night, mine was right.

Today I was able to talk directly to my Pediatrician instead of just another doctor reading a report to me.  Instead today, I got a my doctor who is as concerned about my son's health as much as I am.  She quickly got right to the point and told me to stop all physical therapy or occupational therapy immediately.  It was clear that the cervical vertebrae in my son's neck are fused together preventing mobility.  There are only 6 (C2-C7) vertebrae located in that region that allow you to move your head and neck in all of the movable directions.  C1 is located directly under the skull.  We are moving immediately with the results to the Pediatric Orthopedic.  We will get his consultation and also request that all of the skeletal bones in his body be reviewed for any further anomalies.  Hopefully, I will get an appointment with him rather quickly as my pediatrician was going to discuss the case with him today.  She was adamant that she did not want to waste any time.  Granted the level of urgency in the matter is all relative as he has had this issue since birth.  It is only now that we are discovering it. I will share with you as I learn what this means now and in the future for him.  I don't want to speculate as I am not a specialists in this area by any means, but I know its not going to be pleasant.  Having limited mobility in your neck is a problem in itself and then compound that with his inability to move his eyes properly.  My hope is that its not painful for him in the present and that a solution can be found that we can be comfortable with.

Another thing I did want to mention is that wonderful word from yesterday, mitochondrial.  In conversation with my Pediatrician today she clearly stated that she did not have any suspensions that his problems were related to it.  In fact, she wants me to verify that the genetics will work to define his complex issues if they are not directly related to her specialty of mitochondrial.  We both want to be extremely clear upfront and not waste any time or money.  I told her I had no problem clarifying that with them before we moved forward on anything else.

Tonight I am in the midst of processing this new information while preparing my boys to stay with their dad for three days while I walk 60 miles for breast cancer awareness.  I have to admit that at this moment my mind is on anything but walking.  I am sure tomorrow morning once I am there and with my team the spirit will fill me and I will be able to make the walk for all of my fabulous supporters and for all of those who have battled the evil disease of breast cancer and for the ones who have lost their dear loved ones.

Tonight, I allow tears to roll down my cheek as I begin to realize the journey that Thomas is on has become a more challenging one.  My faith allows me to know that he is God's child and that God has a purpose for us.  Thomas will be a happy, loving boy no matter the challenges placed in front of us he already shows us that everyday.  As a mother, my heart hurts for those things that I cannot change and for the unknown future.  Its amazing to me how nothing has changed, but everything has changed in only the matter of days.

Prayers to each of you tonight that you are strong in the challenges that are placed before you.  That you too are a child of God and that his grace and love for you are more than you will ever fathom.  Embrace his love, thank him for your many blessings, open your heart to him completely and hold nothing back for he holds nothing back for you.  God takes care of all of his children.

"O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good" Psalm 106:1 

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