
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Highs and Lows

Well, first of all, Thomas was scheduled for surgery for this Thursday and I made all the arrangements to have everything covered.  Our orthopedic doctor reviewed his file and would not clear him for surgery today.  The anesthesiologists needed clearance from him since they would have to incubate and that requires them to pull the head back and extend the neck.  The orthopedic was not comfortable with allowing this until he has had an opportunity to have a more intricate look at it himself.  They are putting in an order for a MRI.  So, until he has had a chance to look at things we will postpone Thomas' procedure to a later date.  I will keep you informed as this continues to move forward.  I am slightly disappointed as I have been preparing myself to get this done and move it past us, but am relieved that I have chosen doctors who are willing to take more precautionary measures with my son.  I am very grateful for that.

I had come very encouraging information shared with me yesterday that just made me giddy.  A church member of mine has a sister who is a PA for a neurologists at Emory.    She had introduced me to her back in the Spring on Palm Sunday, but at that time I had no inclination as to how she could help me.  Well, the other night my friend sent me a message letting me know her sister would be happy to speak with me and reminded me of her name.  Oh my, her name was the same name that my pediatrician had spoken to me about.  My heart leaped for joy!! It clicked immediately that her sister was the one I had been trying to reach for the last couple of months and the office was being a bear.  So, out of love, she shared her personal cell phone with me.

I spoke with her yesterday and she was so sweet.  She even mentioned to me that she had read my blog and was more familiar with the details of what I had been going through with Thomas.  Then she recommended another neurologists that she believed would be a better fit.  How awesome is that?  Someone who is on the inside who can say this would be who he needs.  He is more knowledgeable in the field of more complex cases and would be a better fit.  She is going to work with her office to get me an appointment and was also going to discuss the case with him during her clinical with him that morning.  I was so excited just at the possibilities and how this all came to be.  I am so thankful that prayers are being answered even when I am not sure myself what I am praying for.  I never thought I would get so much joy in finding the right specialists. 

So, we have lots of appointments scheduled for this month and I will be sure to share with you any updates as we move through our journey.

On a side note, I did walk 60 miles and it was an amazing experience!  I walked with some fabulous people.  I will admit the first day was the hardest as I had just learned about Thomas' neck and was trying to process that information.  So the first 20 miles were a pity walk for me and I questioned why I was there and why I wasn't home with my babies.  About mile 13 my muscles began to lock up and I could barely pick up my legs, it was miserable.  I did the 20 miles and back at camp, I blew up my mattress and put out my sleeping bag, and moped my way to dinner.  Once I got the dinner line this very happy lady asked me how my day was and I immediately burst into tears.  Looking back, its quite humorous, but I do feel sorry for her.  I prayed that night a little hard than nights past for clarity and strength.  The next morning I woke up with a rejuvenated spirit and knew why I was there and that I was doing something beyond myself.  So, then I walked 40 miles for those who couldn't walk, for those who were battling cancer and couldn't leave it behind and for the survivors who were walking with us after going through hell.  I learned the true meaning of "mind over matter".  I proved to myself that I am a fighter and I can do it.

I will do this and I will be thankful for all of my blessings along the way.  For as many issues and challenges that Thomas has I will fight for the best for him.  He is a tough little man and he reminds me daily that he is still a happy, healthy 18 month old who plays in my toilet, empties my pantry and climbs on anything that little foot will get on. 

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