
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

Pretty much sums up where we are right now.  I finally have everything scheduled that needs to be scheduled and now its a matter of waiting until we get to each appointment to see what each specialists thinks.  We do have a regular 18 month check up on Wednesday.  Although with Thomas there is usually a new surprise with even a regular check up.  I really think we will be good on this one though and it will be just an overall health check which I think is just fine.  He hasn't been drinking as much fluid as I would like, but not sure that is a huge issue at this time.  More like a kid just being a kid and going through their strange spurts.

After that appointment we have the following:
Nov 21st - Orthopedic Surgeon  ~ Not sure how productive this appointment will be except to maybe see what he is thinking about the neck fusion.  But since the MRI isn't until later he will be talking to us strictly based on the X-ray.

Nov 29 - Genetics Specialists ~ I am anxious about this appointment.  I have sent in the large amount of paperwork already to them and am working in the insurance paperwork.  I have also requested medical records from everyone Thomas has seen for her to receive the copies prior to our appointment.  I have a lot hope in her connecting the dots for us but also know that she is not the end all to everything.  We still have other ways in which I feel we are moving forward for more information.

Dec 4 ~ Meet with the eye doctor to have his eyes checked and see if the DS has changed any since our last appointment.

Dec 28th ~ MRI on spine as requested by the Orthopedic Specialists.  I am also hoping to get an additional order for his head for the same date if needed by the neurologists so that they only have to put him to sleep once and do the test for both. 

Jan 4th ~ We have our first appointment with the new neurologists who came highly recommend for Thomas' specific case. 

So, as you can see its a bit spread out for basically the next two months.  I am grateful for that considering the holidays and the kids being out of school.  Three boys in a small exam room makes for a very stressed out mommy.  I will update you as we hit each of these appointments and possibly learn more information.

In the meantime, we are living each day enjoying all of the wonderful blessings that our Lord has given to us.  We are all loving and growing as a family together!  Thank you again for your love, support and especially your prayers we are so grateful for them all.

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