
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Calm Week

So nice to have a calm week for a change.  Thomas is pretty much all healed from surgery.  I hand delivered the application with medical records to our Shriner to be processed with the Shriner Hospital.  I also spoke with several people on trying to get Thomas' blood drawn for two different people in their vials.  That is proving to be harder than anyone seemed.  I understand it from a liability stand point, but at the same time I still need it done for a clinical trial in Madison, WI and for his genetic testing.

Did I enjoy this week?  Um. . . .Yeah!!  I took this week to focus on me a bit more.  I have started to work out again, eating healthy and writing it all down, drinking my water. Heck! I even painted my toes and fingers.  I know, you can close your mouth now.  I spent time just enjoying my boys and baby Thomas.  My oldest is so smart and loving that we can have good conversations, my middle son makes me laugh like crazy and Thomas is a busy toddler who still love to snuggle with his mommy LOTS.  I have started back at a new Bible Study which is great.  I always do better at reading my Bible daily when I have a focus like a Bible Study.  So, let's see working on my physical, spiritual and well. . .mental will eventually fall in order somewhere. 

A huge source of my stress besides the obvious has been the financial hardship.  As you know a dear friend is offering golf rounds with a portion of the proceeds going to Thomas' medical expenses.  You can purchase those through here:  Tee Times 4 Thomas

Another friend also suggested the site GiveForward in an effort to help raise money as well.  Please consider making a donation if you can, any amount would be appreciated.  Thomas' Medical Fund

If you know me at all you know that I have a hard time asking for help and I especially don't ask for money.  However, God is teaching and working through me on this journey and I realize that the only way to live and to truly be happy on this journey is to learn to lean and rely on those around us who want to lift us up and help us in any way that they can.  So, I wanted to provide this opportunity to you to do just that.

As always, the cards in the mail are so sweet and touching, the prayers you send up daily for my son and our family are felt constantly and I cannot thank you enough for your love, prayers and support.

Phil 4:12-14   “I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.  For I can do everything through Christ,* who gives me strength.” (NLT)

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