
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Got our Appointment. . .

Next Thursday we have our first appointment with Neuro Spine Care for Kids.  They already have most of Thomas records from our pediatrician and are familiar with his case.  We are meeting with the director himself of the clinic who is also a pediatric neurosurgeon.  He is going to review the MRI before our appointment and discuss a care plan.  I am excited because the clinic is designed to help treat the whole body affected by the syndrome instead of each individual issue.  Its like an umbrella of specialists for certain conditions.  The coordinator I spoke with today was so pleasant and informative.  We go next Thursday afternoon.  I am optimistic about what they may be able to provide to us for Thomas.

Thomas is doing well from surgery. Kids heal so quickly which is why I like getting things done while he is still little if I can.  He will never remember going through this unless we share it with him (or he reads mommy's blog, lol).  His bruising is almost gone and there is barely anything there.

In two weeks we have our Occupational therapy evaluation as well.

Today, Thomas was very tired and was ready for his nap.  I laid him in his bed and he went right to sleep.  He slept for quite a long time and I went to go check on him since it was about time to leave for church.  I cracked the door to find my precious boy sleeping so hard with one arm over his face and the other arm hanging out of the crib.  I just sat there and watched him breath in and out so heavily.  I took in the moment just watching my Thomas be still, peaceful and content.  He is such a delight in so many ways that is makes me all the more driven to protect his health and give him all the opportunities that I can.  The fun part about Thomas is just when you are about to get real serious in thought, he does something to throw you off.  He woke up after some stretches, looked up and saw me and smiled.  This is what I saw:

Woah! That is crazy bed hair!!!


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