
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Healthy Heart

Today we met with Thomas' cardiologists.  I wasn't sure what to expect but it was quite thorough and Thomas was not pleased.  They did the normal vital signs and then did an EKG.  Thomas tolerated it but wasn't thrilled.  Immediately I noticed the machine said abnormal rhythm, atrial flutter.  But I didn't let it panic me since I was not a doctor although the nurses kept asking why we had been referred.  Then we went to another room for heart images.  This was miserable.  Thomas was not thrilled at all and was screaming and crying through most of it.  I held him down and spoke to him softly and sang the best that I could.  Then the technician tells me we are half way through.  What?!?  Okay, let's do this.  Finally we made it through and went back to the exam room.  Thomas was so worked up but as any toddler it didn't take long for him to calm back down and start getting into the drawers in the room.  The doctor came in, he was extremely personable and pleasant.  He explained that Thomas has a heart murmur but so does 50% of all people.  So, he specifically mentioned the heart anomaly associated with KFS and Thomas was in the clear.  YAY!! We go back to him in 2 years for a follow up but sees no indication of any issues. 

Surgery is tomorrow, we finally go the time which is 10am.  We need to be at the hospital at 8am.  I am glad it is early in the morning so hopefully we will be done and in recovery before lunch. We shall see.  Thank you again for all the prayers and support!!!  I love you!!

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