
Friday, February 3, 2012

Surgery is Done

Three surgeries in his 21 months of life, could be much worse and the thing to keep in mind is not all surgeries are bad.  No, we don't like having to put all of these harsh drugs in our babies bodies and have them put to sleep in the hopes that all goes well.  I will have to say the nurses and doctors at Scottish Rite do everything they can to make sure your baby is well taken care of and does not have any pain.

This morning went very smooth.  We got there a bit early and didn't have to register or check in since we had already done that on Tuesday morning.  So, we waited a little bit and they came right out and put his id bracelet on him.  We got called back and began prep.  We were quite excited to see our same nurse, Jennifer, from last time.  It was wonderful to have someone who had been with us before and remembered us.

The surgery scheduled before him was having to wait on blood work so we got bumped up.  We went into super speed, which was nice but the doctors and all still took their time with us and made sure we all understood the procedure and the risks.  He was scheduled for 10am surgery and was taken from me just a little after 9am.  Mom and I then ran to grab some breakfast and come back to the room to wait.  They said the surgery would be a hour to a hour and half but they would update us thirty minutes in.  We ate and waited and then they informed us he was in recovery and brought him to me.  He slept for a bit but not enough to really get through the haze of the drugs.  He was not happy at all and of course he still had the IV in him which made him very grumpy.  Mom and I took turns holding and comforting trying to do anything we could to appease him.  It seem to take forever in recovery.  It made me smile when the hymn "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" came to my head while rocking and comforting my baby.  The nurse then came and flushed his IV and pumped all the fluid into him and he finally began to come around better. He did seem to be in some pain and we asked about pain management.  The doctor had moved on to his next surgery so we had to wait on him to explain the surgery to us and then we could finally go home. 

The doctor explained that once he made the incision he could tell where the testicle had been twisted up during development and was only the size of a grain of rice.  So, he made the judgement call to remove it and be done.  He also made a cut on his penile band as the skin had grown back on.  His recovery seems minimal as they did by laparoscopy.  He has one incision that they glued it together which we just keep clean and the penis we treat with neosporin for a week at every diaper change.  Follow up is in six weeks with the doctor.

Thomas is doing well tonight.  He fell asleep on the way home.  I moved him to his crib where he slept until about 5:30 this afternoon.  He ate some dinner His eyes are still very dialated from all of the medicine but he is walking around and playing with his toys. He did seem be a little uncomfortable and once we got some food in him we could give him some pain medicine.  He is not a good baby to give medicine too as he is a great spitter.  I got it all in him, he stood up coughed and threw up.  My hope is he got enough of it in him for tonight.  *sighs*  It looks rather bruised tonight, so I am hoping things look better in the morning.  He also still has a nasty cough which makes me hurt when he coughs.  I am hoping we can get that under control soon, he has been on breathing treatments for over a week already. 

I was quite calm and collected today and was able to be there for my baby in every capacity.  I did not sleep well last night and am extremely tired now.  I was able to get in a bit of nap this afternoon but am still worn down tonight.  I am so thankful to have this behind us and we can move forward from here.  My hope is that we don't have to go through anymore surgeries big or small for a while. 

We had lots of people praying for us and sending me messages on my phone and Facebook all day.  Thank you so much to each and every one of you, they were all appreciated.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5   All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”


  1. Glad surgery went well. I hope he has a fast recovery.

  2. Thank you for posting,even as tired as you must be. I didn't get into asking questions on FB being patient for an update here. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers and I truly hope that you can rest and gather your strength this weekend as you deserve it so very much. Love to you all.
