
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Growing in more ways than one!

Yesterday we had our three month height and weight check on Thomas.  We were most concerned about his height growth, since he had actually flat lined on his growth chart.  I was so excited yesterday to find out that he had caught up for height!! His height is still off the curve, but he is back on his curve.  His weight has dropped down a bit on the curve, but this is normal for Thomas as you can see for it to go up and down depending on his caloric intake.

As of 8/03/2012 at 2 years 3 months weighs 23.2 lbs and is 32.7 inches tall with a BMI of 15.25 kg/m2.  I am very pleased with this at this time.  We will go back for another check up in three months when he is 2 and a half.

This does not mean we are in the all clear for the Endocrinologists, in fact, we will probably see one before the year is out.  But I am learning that doesn't mean we will have clear answers then either.  I have since learned that if his pituitary gland did not develop properly and is effecting his growth, they will suggest growth hormones.  However, given that Thomas also has KFS they may not want to give him the growth hormones because their is not enough research to suggest that the growth hormones would not compromise the spine in a negative way.  So once again, we have a issue that may not have a clear answer and we will just need to continue to pray that Thomas will grow and get stronger and little miracles will overcome the challenges in his life.  Most people think that a growth hormone deficiency just means that a person will be really short and small. That's what we thought also, but in reality there are other serious concerns for children with growth hormone deficiency, such as: heart strength, lung capacity, bone density, immune system function and much more!

In the meantime, we will continue to work on increasing his calories again to get his weight back up a bit on his curve the best we can.  I am not overly concerned since he has been teething and his weight has always fluctuated quite a bit.

I have also recently learned that Thomas may not be eligible for Katie Becket Medicaid waiver after all because you have to require therapy 5 times a week.  Thank goodness Thomas is not at that level of care, but in the same respect it would be nice to get Thomas qualified for some type of medical assistance.  I am so grateful that there is such a program that helps children who are really in need and it allows them to stay at home with their family with best support. 

We could not have financially made it through the last seven months without the financial contributions from our family, friends and our awesome church family and organizations like Caring for a Cause.  Our church family had created an unsolicited medical assistance fund for Thomas, which has been such an unexpected family. Caring for a Cause hosted a family event and corn hole tournament with raffle as a local Mexican restaurant that was a wonderful blessing.  I had no idea what this year was going to bring and of course their is the unknown of the coming months and years to come.  Through this God is teaching me to keep the Faith that he will provide.  I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for every penny that you have given for our sweet Thomas' medical care this year.  We honestly, could NOT have done it without you.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support, it means the world to us to know you have our backs and will hold us when we are weak.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19

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