
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Here we go!!

You just can't look at this picture with a straight face. . . I mean, really.  This is a great image of how determined he is to do all that he wants to do with no limitations.  I truly think that only an expert hand can feel the low tone in him at this point, because he has gotten so strong and is doing so well.  All of his therapist are blown away with his progress and they are all starting to taper off on appointments.  I am so proud and so happy for both us!! 

Next week is our six month check up with the Neuro Spine Care for Kids Program with Thomas' Pediatric Neurosurgeon and his team.  The are so nice and thorough, its a pleasure to go and learn about what is going on inside Thomas with his spine and neck vertebrae.  Most likely we will have a round of x-rays and then meet to discuss if there have been any changes since his last visit and discuss his next MRI.  I really despise putting his little body through so much radiation, but its the only way to truly see and monitor what is going on with his bone structure as he grows.  I have to remind myself that the long term affects on his body from the radiation outweigh the prevention that we are attempting to do for his spine and neck.

Prayers are always appreciated for this little man.  I pray that everything is stable and looking good and we can just continue and move forward without any further intervention at this time.

Thank you for your continuous prayers and support, it means more to us than you will ever know.

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." Genesis 28:15

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