
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Nuerosurgeon Check up Today.

Wow! Today was long and busy.  This mama bear is ready to crawl in her bed and prepare for Friday.  We started with Mom's Morning Out, which is crazy but fun.  There are so many cuties in there!!  Its such a blessing to enjoy them for my job. 

We left Mom's Morning Out to go to his appointment at the Spine Care Clinic at Scottish Rite.  It is really a pleasure to go there if you have to endure such a thing with your little one.  They are so nice and understanding and are always concerned about the level of pain he might be in.  I was able to brag about how well he is doing and how strong he is getting.  Our appointment went well.  Thomas did good through the x-rays, especially for a 2 year old missing his nap.  I do have to admit while the radiology tech was pleasant I never like the uneducated comments that are made during the x-rays.  They move him one way and take a picture then go and look and you hear the different comments that shows that they have no clue about his case.  Its a little unnerving to me but in the same respect I can't fault them either, they are just doing their job.  NO he hasn't had surgery.  YES there is lots of fusion.  NO he can't bend like that.  YES that is normal for him.  *sighs*

Most importantly, I love, love, love the doctor.  He is so friendly and down to earth.  He will sit their calmly and answer your questions until you are completely comfortable and understand the information.  The doctor came in an explained to me today that Thomas' neck has continued to stay stable.  They were able to get some x-rays showing movement and found one area that needs to be watched.  He has fusion in his neck from C2-C3 and C4-C7.  There is movement between C3 and C4 which in most circumstances would be good, but it can cause reason for concern if it begins to shift against the bone instead of correct movement.  He eluded to the fact that if that were to happen and its probable that we would need to correct it with surgery with a fusion.  That would also limit if neck mobility quite a bit.  Not really the news that I wanted to hear, but at least I know and can be specific in our prayers that that area will continue to cooperate for Thomas now and years and years to come.

The doctor also checked his reflexes and movement in his legs.  He mentioned again that at his last MRI that the spinal canal looked nice and open.  We are both hoping his spine will continue to allow for his spinal cord to not be compromised in any way. 

Waiting to see each of the people in the clinic, x-rays and doctor.  He did great!

Days like today remind me of our reality.  The grim reality of what is going on inside my little man that I don't have to see or face when I am playing with my smiling, adorable little blue eyed blonde headed 2 year old!! I so enjoy him and it really does pain me to think that his life will not always be manageable.  I have always had a good relationship with my Lord and Savior, but it has never seemed more important for me to have a daily walk with him and my boys how to walk in the light. I would not be able to get up each morning without knowing that someone bigger than me, bigger than my problems, bigger than this earth has got me and my babies in his hands.  I will process this information, pray, meditate and spend the next couple of days working to give this back to God. 

On our way home after a very long day!

Thank you for all of your prayers and support.  Overall, he is doing great!! Surpassing what all of the therapist had set for goals for him and is a happy precious little boy.  We walk into a place and he starts waiving "Hi Man".  Hee hee!! I love taking him places, he just makes everyone smile and they don't even know him.  We could have got much worse news today, but as for now I will take that all looks well see you in 6 months.

Our speech evaluation got moved to tomorrow too!! I am excited! They had a cancellation and called me today.  I will update you tomorrow afternoon.  I would love nothing more than for them to tell me I wasted my time and he doesn't need it, otherwise we will move forward with private speech therapy and watch him exceed there as well!

"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17


  1. Thank you. I am glad the appointment went well!

  2. Hang in there, I know you do a wonderful job of staying in the moment and enjoying with him, and that is so good, and so healthy. Day by day... things will unfold and if it is surgery down the road, all of that technology is improving, hold on to that. You are doing such a great job as his advocate and I have no doubt in your determination and wonderful mothering... breathe in and know that time is on your side Allison and we will all keep searching and sharing.
