
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Enjoying the Moment.

Right now, this moment.  It's nice.  Our therapy has been cut back since he is doing so well in OT and PT and we are waiting on insurance to begin the feeding therapy.  We are all caught up with our appointments until the end of this month when Thomas will have his two and half year check up.  So, right now I am breathing.  I am able to give my attention to the other boys just a little bit more and let Thomas run and play and just be.  We do all we can to keep things 'normal' around here.  It is much easier to do when our schedule is less hectic.  I also must mention that Tyler is doing well also.  We have changed his medicine, had him in occupational therapy and behavior therapy and together its working.  He is more peaceful and happy
and doing great!

Thomas is doing phenomenal and wins the hearts of all who meet him!  I am so proud of him and all that he has already overcome.  My continual prayer is that this will always be the case!  

Refocus.  I am planning on focusing in me a little bit during this lull.  Get myself back together per se because who knows how long this moment will last.  I am reworking some Bible Studies that I felt needed to speak to me a little more.  Reviewing our finances and updating our budget.  Refinancing the house.  Refocusing. 

Let Go.  I am giving myself a break and letting go of some things that I have found not to be as important.  Some things I have let go were big and were hard and made me very sad.  Some things are small and don't seem like much but add up quickly.  Through this I am finding that even through that sadness it has been the right choice for me.  I want to live and enjoy my boys and my life not just survive.  Through these things God is teaching me if I am willing to listen.

Pick myself back up.  My writing isn't as good as it use to be because I am not reading like I once was.  I am not working out like I once was.  Luckily, I just had a complete physical and everything came back great.  I am lucky that I still healthy and doing well right now.  Seems like most of the time I am barely hanging on.  But I want to do better. . better for me and better for my family.  Back to reading, back to eating healthy, back to working out and back to a little me time.

The only thing left on my to do list that I continue to put off is getting a courtesy draw for Robert and I for Baylor University and Madison, WI.  I know this NEEDS to get done but everyone keeps telling me 'no'.  So, I have to stop and take a break and then go at it again.

Kind of random tonight, but I feel at peace and enjoyed watching all three boys tonight play outside at the soccer fields.  We have come a long way in the past months and I am so happy and so proud of my family.

“From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” John 1:16 (NIV)


  1. My 20 month old son has a diagnosis of Klippel-Feil Syndrome. Just recently had surgery on C1 due to cervical stenosis. We are headed to the eye dr at the end of the month to find out about Wildervanck. I cannot tell you how glad I am to find your blog and to know that someone else out there is going through the exact same things as us! Like you, Barnes is our third and the baby. He has brought so much joy into our lives! Have a question for you- when did your little one begin to crawl, pull up, stand, walk, etc? It seems that we are so far behind despite the therapies. He is a big, strong boy, but it would be nice to hear from someone else that has the same things going on!

  2. here is our story...
