
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Things are picking up a bit

I am so thankful and so happy in this moment.  Thomas has brought such joy to my life.  It is a pleasure to take him with me places and see other people be drawn to him with a smile.  As my friend has said, there is just something about him.  He is so stinking cute and has such a personality about him, yet he is very content and low maintenance from a child standpoint.  He has no idea he is different any way and no one treats him so.  I love all of my boys so deeply, each one of them holding a special place in my heart and sharing such rich qualities.  The bonds we are building are those for a lifetime.

James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above"

It was a nice break but the therapist want to work on Thomas in an effort to help him function better in regards to his core.  His core is quite weak and it shows mostly when its time to sit and eat.  His body is working so hard to compensate for its weakness that he fatigues quickly and leaves meal time.  He also finds alternate ways to play and is usually leaning or propping against something for support.  We had our PT appointment today as suggested by our ST/Feeding therapist.  We focused a lot on his core which includes his stomach and back.  She showed me lots of alternate ways for me to work with him on strengthening those muscles. He had a tough workout today and was so tired when we were done.  A lot of the exercises I should be doing as well. So, we will focus on that for a while.  We will be going to PT every week until he begins to show some real improvement.  We should also start with the feeding therapist soon as well, still waiting on insurance to say 'go ahead'.  Fun!!

We have our 2.5 year check up next week with our pediatrician.  We have a few minor things I know we need to discuss but other than that I think we are doing good.

Thank you always, for your continued love, prayers and support.  I would not be as content as I am today with our past, present and possible future if it weren't for you.

We all thank  you.

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