
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Surgery #5 Done ~ Ears

Today Thomas completed surgery #5.

He has now had four surgeries on his ears beginning when he was only four months old.  Thomas was very aware of what was happening today and why he had to do it.  Last night before bed our pastor called to let us know we were in his prayers.  I was laying down with Thomas to help him go to sleep and he began to cry asking why everyone was praying for him.  He is so tenderhearted and loves to pray, so he understood on his level how much everyone cares and loves him.

This morning relatively calm.  He was quite upset he couldn't have his morning coffee but he understood that it was the rules.  We had the same nurse as last time and even saw one of our physical therapists.  The hospital went very smoothly and we kept his blanket nearby at all times and both mom and dad were with him until we couldn't be.  There is something that melts your heart when I child has a lovey that brings them comfort and love like nothing else.

Surgery was earlier than planned, which was fine with us.  He went back about 10:45 am instead of 11:15am.  This time they did not have to give him an IV or incubate him, they simply gassed him and then woke him up when he was done.  I was SO relieved.  The doctor came in before and after to talk to us.  He ended up cleaning and replacing the tubes in both ears.  The left one was completed block and covered in granulated tissue, blood, etc.  The right one also had a build up of tissue.  He ended up going with a newer tube that is softer than the previous set but is also considered a long term tube.  It looked similar to this, but keep in mind this is under a microscope and looks much larger than its actual size.  They are really very tiny.

 He assured us that we are doing the best that we can do, but that there are no guarantees.  We could quite possibly be back next year doing this again.

He explained that with Thomas' Eustachian tube dysfunction the only solution they have at this time is tubes.  He also explained that his hearing will not be restored immediately, but should increase more each day as the fluid drains from his ears and the additional drops and the swelling goes down.

Thomas was quite weepy after he came back but as the anesthesia wore off he quickly became himself again.  He has only complained about pain a little bit here and there but overall he is doing great.  I am thankful for all of the prayers and support for our little man and am so very thankful that this is past us for now.

Tonight, I share two Bible verses with you that brought me peace as we now wait on God to heal Thomas and restore his healing.

Jeremiah 30:17 "For I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds, saith the Lord."

Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint."

On behalf of Thomas and our entire family, we thank you more than you know for all of your prayers and support.  God loves you and will cast his blessings upon you.

1 comment:

  1. And Happy New Year - New Hearing - New Hope - Peace!

    I had tubes in my ears as a child x4 before my ears (hearing) was corrected to where they were satisfied with it. And then many years of follow-up checkups and ear cleaning by ENT (because regular Dr's office cannot do justice to ears/not right equipment to clean and not possible injure or clog ears).
