
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Surgery Next Week ~ Ears

Thomas had his follow up appointment today with the ENT.  Thomas told me this morning he was glad that we were going because his left ear doesn't work.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but we were patient and worked with the doctor.  Upon examination, they determined that Thomas left ear tube is not working anymore and the ear is having a hard time dealing with the foreign object.  We even had to go into the microscope room which caused immediate anxiety for our little man.  After we were able to spend some time alone in the room, I was able to remind him of our trip to Cincinnati and how the microscope didn't hurt and was a way for them to help them fix his ear.  His fears were then calmed and he hopped right up on the table for our Dr. to examine it more closely.

The determining factor for surgery was if his hearing was being effected.  He said if the difference was only 5 decibels no big deal, but if it were more then surgery was inevitable.  The results from audiology were quite telling.  Since we last saw him the end of September, the ear has declined and is effecting his hearing loss more.  Here is a side by side comparison of his hearing from September 27th to today, December 3rd.  There is a difference of about 30 decibels.

September 27, 2014                                  December 3, 2014

So, the doctor said that he definitely needs surgery to remove the tube from the left ear.  However, the doctor is not sure of his actions after that.  He said he is going to wait until he is under anesthesia and can review the ear in more detail before making the final decision on what he should do next.  He is also going to take that opportunity to review the right ear as well.

Thomas had his first set of tubes at 5 months old not due to chronic ear infections or fluid, but due to hearing loss.  Each year when the tubes fail subsequently so does his hearing.  He is currently on his third set of tubes that were placed in his ears last December '13.  His left ear began rejecting the tube in June '14. Thomas was even seen by a specialists at Cincinnati Children's Hospital who agreed we were doing all we could and that unfortunately there weren't many other options.  Thomas will need some time of tube working in his ears in order to have proper hearing.

Surgery is set for Thursday, December 11th at Scottish Rite Hospital.  We would appreciate all of your prayers and support during this time.

Thomas is aware that he is going to go to the hospital to go to sleep to get his ear fixed.  He is SO excited that his ear will be working before Christmas!!

It is unusual to read from the book of Micah, but this verse I found to be very comforting and fitting.

"But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me." Micah 7:7

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