
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Speech Therapy. . . .Check

I am quite excited!  Today the therapists came to the house from Babies Can't Wait to evaluate Thomas.  He had a thorough evaluation with Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, but right now we just can't afford to go forward with another therapy with them at the frequency they are suggesting.  So, I contacted the director of Babies Can't Wait for our area and we discussed the options.

Thomas tested great!!  His scores were really high on their evaluation, which makes me proud that he is doing so well with his gross and fine motor skills.  They were also very impressed with his jargon and how deliberate and expressive he is, but at the same time noted there were no words included in the jargon.  After their evaluation they asked about the evaluation done by CHOA and I happily shared it with them.  Normally they cannot provide services to a child who has good test scores.  However, they do have exceptions for children who are showing deficiencies in an area such as speech despite the test scores.  The speech therapists was not only concerned that Thomas didn't have as many words in his vocabulary than what he should have but that although he has progressed since the evaluation in December he is not progressing fast enough for his age.  He isn't catching up even though there are tons of motivation with me, his brothers, etc.  So based on that information they are going to make a clinical case that Thomas would benefit from speech therapy.  We have one more meeting to discuss the plan and then therapy can begin.

I am so relieved!!  We finally get a service through the state that will benefit my son.  Baby steps!

Thomas is healing great from his surgery. You can hardly tell he had anything done.  The cuts are healing nicely and most of the bruising has gone down. Thank you again for all of your prayers, love and support.

Still following up on some more items and a couple of more appointments. .. . updates will follow as each is met.

1 Corinthians 2:9   “No one's ever seen or heard anything like this, never so much as imagined anything quite like it — What God has arranged for those who love him.”

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